Thursday, July 15, 2010

We have a walker (not the best quality, but hey he is walking)

Monday, February 22, 2010

9 Month Check Up

Josh just hit 9 months 12 days ago...Where in the world has the time gone?

Here are his stats at his appointment
Weight: 19lbs 12.3oz
Height: 29.5 Inches
Head: 18.75 Inches (our child has a big head and he can thank me and his grandfather for that)
He has started crawling and is a terror around the house...I cant' keep up with him and he LOVES it! He crawls away from me and I bring him back to me and he goes away all over again...He loves that game (me not so much ☻)
His next appointment isn't until May 21st when he will be a year old (holy crap we almost have a one year old) I think the doctor had great enjoyment in telling me that our baby was almost a year old!!!

Here he is getting ready to go and do some errands with us...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1 Year

Rick and I have been in the house now for just over a year (Thanks Dean for all your hard work) and have love every minute of it!

We haven't done a ton to it since I was 7 months pregnant when we moved in. The only room we have updated is Josh's room. That was a fun project for us...We made a horrible mess but at least we can say we painted his room :)

The things we still want to do to the house (not all in the next year but soon)

  • Deck - I would like the deck to be level with the current landing with the porch on the driveway side of the house. We would like the deck to extend the entire length of the back of the house (yes I know its long but we would like a hot tub one day)

  • Hardwood floors - We plan on putting hardwood (or laminate) in the living room, kitchen, and possibly the bedrooms (I am not sold on the bedrooms yet - I like getting out of bed and stepping on "warm" carpet not "cold" flooring). This project will most likely take place after babies learn to walk (carpet adds some cushion for their tush)

  • Paint master bedroom - I am sure we will get in a heated discussion about color but I need something other than UGLY white!

  • Paint the living room - Again the walls in there are just UGLY white...I haven't quite got it yet, the lady we bought the house from painted the kitchen the ugliest shade of orange just before she put the house on the market. However, she didn't touch any of the other walls...Just left them the boring/dirty ugly white!

  • Tile the bathroom floor...I don't mean with the peal off the back stick paper tiles either...I mean with real honest to goodness tiles (again Rick might have something to say about that)

  • Paint the spare room/Playroom to give it a fun kid feel (it will be Josh's room when we decide to have baby #2)

  • Put a Man room in the basement - Rick and his buddies need a space they can go and play video games and do manly things so that I can have the TV when they are here.

I think that is the majority of the list! Lots to do but all fun things to look forward too!! Here's hoping for a great 2nd year in the house!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

8 Months old...Where has the time gone?

Josh is 1 week over 8 months old...Where has the time gone?

at 8 months he is/has doing some of the following...

  • 6 teeth...4 on top and 2 on the bottom (I think there are more coming in I just can't see them)

  • He is still rolling ALL over the place...If he wants something he will figure out how to get it...And when he does...Watch out!

  • He is just now starting to get on his knees (or almost) to try and crawl...I am sad and happy he is getting to that point...Happy that he is getting to the next step and almost crawling...Sad that he seems to be growing so fast!

  • 95% of the time he is sleeping through the night...There are those occasions that he does wake up but its just for a quick bottle then its back to bed!

  • "talking" up a storm...No real big words yet...Just the normal...dada, mama, baba, and poppop(that is what he call's rick's dad).

Here is a picture for your viewing pleasure :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Josh Through the Months

Rick and I were having one of those "moments" the other day...Seeing our little guy grow has been an amazing adventure and it gets better and better every day! Here are some pictures for your viewing pleausre!!!
Important Josh facts:
Birthday: May 10. 2009 (mothers day & 11 days early)
Birth Weight: 5lbs 15oz
Birth Height: 18 3/4"
Time of birth: 6:45am
Length of brith: 29 hours

Here he is just a couple days after he was born

Here he is 2 weeks old at a Memorial Day BBQ with the family...This was also the day I eneded up in the ER with my frist Gal-Bladder issue.

Not sure how old he is in this one but he is getting bigger and bigger each day!

This is taken at 2 months and a day...Rick and I were going to our friends wedding and he was with Mimi and PopPop for the day...Our first day away from him!

This was my first day back to work (August 3, 2009) looks like he really misses me right?

This is from the last weekend in September - we had just gone apple picking and that was HIS apple!

Here he is on his first Halloween - Yes I know we tortured him :)

Here he is just a couple days over 7 months...4 teeth, crawling all over the place, and "talking" up a storm...His favorite is Dada (of course)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Josh's Arrival Story

(Yes I know this is late but I thought I had put this up already...better late than never, right?)

I went to work Friday morning (5/8) not feeling great but just felt like my time was limited and I had things I had to do. I was only scheduled to be there from 8-1 (stayed till 2 but was busy the whole time). I left my office and ran to Wal-Mart to grab some last minute things I needed for the hospital and diaper bag for Josh (wanted to get it while I still had the energy). Got home and did some more work from the couch to tie up a couple more loose ends.

We had plans that night to do a belly cast & dinner with a couple of girlfriends but those plans fell through because one was feeling a little sick and the other was just running VERY late. So Rick and I decided to go have dinner at his parents house. After dinner I ran to the grocery store and got a couple of things we were running low on. I got home and Rick was mowing the lawn so I decided to take a walk to see if I could get things "moving".

FYI - the following info could be TMI for some...

Fast Forward to about 1am Saturday (5/9) when I woke up to pee and at this point I lost my mucus plug (They say it can happen many days before you go into labor as well) not really thinking anything of it I went back to bed. At about 2:30 while laying in bed I felt what felt like a water balloon pop in my stomach. I got up a couple mins later to go pee and returned to the bed and went to put my leg in bed when I felt a huge gush of liquid...I stood at the side of the bed for a second trying to comprehend what had just happened...I woke up Rick and told him my water broke we called the Dr. and because I was group b strep positive I had to go to the hospital at that point to get my antibiotics.

We arrived at the hospital at 3:15am on Saturday got "checked" in to our labor and delivery room and I got hooked up to all the machines and IV's. The on-call midwife came and checked me out and I was now only 1 cm (i was almost 3 on Wednesday) so I knew it was going to be a long day! We waited till about 7 am to call our parents and the two girl friends that were going to be in the room with us when we had Josh. People started showing up around 9am but we told them it was going to be a while so some stayed and some said they would come back later...At 7pm I was only 3cm (16 hours after I checked in) so we decided that we were going to need some help to get me moving...I got patocin (sp) at about 730 and at 1230 Sunday morning I was still only 3 almost 4 cm but was finally having consistent contractions. I received my epidural at 1am (or there abouts) and slept through every CM from 3 till 8...

I woke up at about 3:45 Sunday morning (5/10, Mothers Day) and was finally 8cm they continued to check my cervix until I was 10cm (5:05am). Once I hit 10 cm the midwife returned and we got ready. At this point the Epi had worn off enough that i was really feeling my contractions and not really enjoying life much. They don't tell you that it is going to wear off, I guess I understand why they let it but man some warning would have been nice! I think I finally started pushing at about 5:45 and an hour later (it felt like HOURS) out came Josh.
Everyone in the room (Rick, our friend Christine, & our moms) were all great...Rick and Christine kept cheering me on and letting me know when we could see the head. Rick was amazing through the whole thing, I couldn't have asked for a better husband :).

It was a long process but well worth it in the end! I have the most amazing little boy home with me who I never knew I could love so much! We are all doing great and are loving being home!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

37 Weeks down 3 to go...

Baby Bump at 36weeks 5days (4/28/09)

Just got back from our check up this morning...there has been progress :) we are 1cm dilated!! He is still high which is no big deal, he can drop anytime!!! His heartrate was still in the high 140's and still sound as amazing as it did the first day we heard it.
Now for the "Bad" news...I tested positive for Group B Strep (GBS)...Not really a big deal they will just give me the antibiotics during labor/delivery. Both Josh and I will be fine at the end. I guess if this is the only thing that goes "Wrong" I really can't complain!!!
38 week check up next thrusday at 10:30am!!!