Saturday, December 19, 2009

Josh Through the Months

Rick and I were having one of those "moments" the other day...Seeing our little guy grow has been an amazing adventure and it gets better and better every day! Here are some pictures for your viewing pleausre!!!
Important Josh facts:
Birthday: May 10. 2009 (mothers day & 11 days early)
Birth Weight: 5lbs 15oz
Birth Height: 18 3/4"
Time of birth: 6:45am
Length of brith: 29 hours

Here he is just a couple days after he was born

Here he is 2 weeks old at a Memorial Day BBQ with the family...This was also the day I eneded up in the ER with my frist Gal-Bladder issue.

Not sure how old he is in this one but he is getting bigger and bigger each day!

This is taken at 2 months and a day...Rick and I were going to our friends wedding and he was with Mimi and PopPop for the day...Our first day away from him!

This was my first day back to work (August 3, 2009) looks like he really misses me right?

This is from the last weekend in September - we had just gone apple picking and that was HIS apple!

Here he is on his first Halloween - Yes I know we tortured him :)

Here he is just a couple days over 7 months...4 teeth, crawling all over the place, and "talking" up a storm...His favorite is Dada (of course)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Josh's Arrival Story

(Yes I know this is late but I thought I had put this up already...better late than never, right?)

I went to work Friday morning (5/8) not feeling great but just felt like my time was limited and I had things I had to do. I was only scheduled to be there from 8-1 (stayed till 2 but was busy the whole time). I left my office and ran to Wal-Mart to grab some last minute things I needed for the hospital and diaper bag for Josh (wanted to get it while I still had the energy). Got home and did some more work from the couch to tie up a couple more loose ends.

We had plans that night to do a belly cast & dinner with a couple of girlfriends but those plans fell through because one was feeling a little sick and the other was just running VERY late. So Rick and I decided to go have dinner at his parents house. After dinner I ran to the grocery store and got a couple of things we were running low on. I got home and Rick was mowing the lawn so I decided to take a walk to see if I could get things "moving".

FYI - the following info could be TMI for some...

Fast Forward to about 1am Saturday (5/9) when I woke up to pee and at this point I lost my mucus plug (They say it can happen many days before you go into labor as well) not really thinking anything of it I went back to bed. At about 2:30 while laying in bed I felt what felt like a water balloon pop in my stomach. I got up a couple mins later to go pee and returned to the bed and went to put my leg in bed when I felt a huge gush of liquid...I stood at the side of the bed for a second trying to comprehend what had just happened...I woke up Rick and told him my water broke we called the Dr. and because I was group b strep positive I had to go to the hospital at that point to get my antibiotics.

We arrived at the hospital at 3:15am on Saturday got "checked" in to our labor and delivery room and I got hooked up to all the machines and IV's. The on-call midwife came and checked me out and I was now only 1 cm (i was almost 3 on Wednesday) so I knew it was going to be a long day! We waited till about 7 am to call our parents and the two girl friends that were going to be in the room with us when we had Josh. People started showing up around 9am but we told them it was going to be a while so some stayed and some said they would come back later...At 7pm I was only 3cm (16 hours after I checked in) so we decided that we were going to need some help to get me moving...I got patocin (sp) at about 730 and at 1230 Sunday morning I was still only 3 almost 4 cm but was finally having consistent contractions. I received my epidural at 1am (or there abouts) and slept through every CM from 3 till 8...

I woke up at about 3:45 Sunday morning (5/10, Mothers Day) and was finally 8cm they continued to check my cervix until I was 10cm (5:05am). Once I hit 10 cm the midwife returned and we got ready. At this point the Epi had worn off enough that i was really feeling my contractions and not really enjoying life much. They don't tell you that it is going to wear off, I guess I understand why they let it but man some warning would have been nice! I think I finally started pushing at about 5:45 and an hour later (it felt like HOURS) out came Josh.
Everyone in the room (Rick, our friend Christine, & our moms) were all great...Rick and Christine kept cheering me on and letting me know when we could see the head. Rick was amazing through the whole thing, I couldn't have asked for a better husband :).

It was a long process but well worth it in the end! I have the most amazing little boy home with me who I never knew I could love so much! We are all doing great and are loving being home!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

37 Weeks down 3 to go...

Baby Bump at 36weeks 5days (4/28/09)

Just got back from our check up this morning...there has been progress :) we are 1cm dilated!! He is still high which is no big deal, he can drop anytime!!! His heartrate was still in the high 140's and still sound as amazing as it did the first day we heard it.
Now for the "Bad" news...I tested positive for Group B Strep (GBS)...Not really a big deal they will just give me the antibiotics during labor/delivery. Both Josh and I will be fine at the end. I guess if this is the only thing that goes "Wrong" I really can't complain!!!
38 week check up next thrusday at 10:30am!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

36 week check up

I can't believe we are at 36 weeks (tomorrow) already! It seems like just yesterday i was telling Rick that I thought I saw two pink lines on the test...
Just got back from my appointment and wow that Group B Strep test isn't the most comfortable thing in the world...It may only involve a little swabbing but when you aren't ready for it you just about shoot off the back of the exam table...You are going to feel some pressure is the understatement of the year with that one. However since the doctor was already down there she asked if I wanted an internal (I know possibly TMI) so I said sure...Her report was - My cervix is VERY soft and I am about a fingertip dilated...Yes I know that can last for a very long time but it was still cool to know that things are starting to move...She will continue to check me every week from here on out.

37 week appointment next Thursday...Almost done :)

For those interested in what Group B Strep is I found this definition

Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a type of bacterial infection that can be found in a pregnant woman’s vagina or rectum. This bacteria is normally found in the vagina and/or lower intestine of 15% to 40% of all healthy, adult women.

Those women who test positive for GBS are said to be colonized. A mother can pass GBS to her baby during delivery. GBS is responsible for affecting about 1 in every 2,000 babies in the United States. Not every baby who is born to a mother who tests positive for GBS will become ill.

Although GBS is rare in pregnant women, the outcome can be severe, and therefore physicians include testing as a routine part of prenatal care.

The doctor said that it isn't a huge deal if I come back positive for this...They will just give me IV antibiotics during labor to prevent me from passing it on to Josh.

Here is a picture of one of our darling cats...He has found a new place to call home - Josh's Crib :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Pre-Registration Complete!

Rick and I went to the hospital yesterday to pre-register for the birth of Baby Josh! What an experience that was. Tons of paperwork to fill out and tons to learn. The highlight for both of us was actually getting to put our thumb prints on the "birth certificate" its not the offical one its just the one the hospital sends home with you for the baby book.

We got to visit a labor and delivery room and holy cow they are HUGE!!! There is going to be plenty of room in there for me and my entourage :) (No boys allowed except Rick)! I was trying to take it all in but had a hard time do to the woman across the hall SCREAMING her head off delivering a baby...Not sure if I am ready for that yet :)

We are just under 5 weeks away from his due date and couldn't be more excited! He will be here before we know it and our lives will be flipped upside down but it will be a good upside down :). I am aware of two baby showers that have been planned but know NOTHING about them so Its taking all I have not to go out and buy all the things we NEED for him. Hopefully they are soon so I don't have any major melt downs about not being ready for him to arrive.

Here is hoping the next 4 weeks and 6 days go by fast!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baby Update

Well here we are down to the almost final wire. We have just over 7 weeks to go till Josh's due date. Am I scared? Not so much scared as I am nervous about having everything ready for him.

We just had a check up yesterday and looks like things are progressing nicely! He is head down which is great but he can still flip around between now and 36 weeks so lets hope he stays head down. I was measuring right on target for our May due date and his heartbeat was anywhere between 150 to 160 such a great sound to hear...I will never get tired of that sound.

He has been VERY active these last few days, I think he is using me as his own personal punching bag. Lets hope he doesn't burise a rib :)

Nursery is finished! Rick put the finishing paint touchups last weekend and we moved the furniture in this past Thursday! It looks great with the Crib and Changing table all set up and the bedding on the crib! Can't wait to lay our little guy in his bed for the very first time. Our friends Emily & Nate brought over the cradle that has been passed among our friends for us to use so that is ready to go and will soon be in our room waiting for him.

Now comes the time when I get to sit and wait for the baby showers! I know they have to be sometime in the next 7 weeks but WHEN??? I am not good with surprises :). Oh well, they will happen and it will be great :) can't wait to pack our bags for the hospital!!!

We go and register on April 13th, rumor has it you actually get to see the birth certificate that day too...How excited are we :)

Okay, I think that is everything! I will post some pictures soon of the Nursery and my ever expanding mid section!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Joshua Matthew - His first pictures

Tomorrow we will be 25 weeks along (only 15 more to go but who's counting?). I can honestly say this has been the best 25 weeks of my life! Yes I was sick for a good portion of the first trimester but they always say the sicker you are the healthier the baby will be! I wouldn't change any of this for the world.
Here are a few of his first pictures :) at just 19 weeks 6 days old.

In this first one he is sucking his little thumb! This I think was my favorite picture :)

In this one you can see his little heart and almost all his little features :)

those are the best two we have of him! Can't wait till we can get some live shots to share! He will be here before we know it and we can't wait.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The house is ours!!!

We closed on the house Friday at 3pm and by 430 the house was ours! We began moving stuff in right away as we had the Dish Network installer coming Saturday morning (or so we thought). We with the help of friends and family got all the TVs to the house on Friday night and got the Flat Screen mounted to the wall. We also managed to get all the bedroom carpets steam cleaned. We went back to Rick's parents house at around 8 to get our rest since we had to be back at the house bright and early for the TV guy.

Saturday morning rolled around (way to quick if you ask me) after I woke myself up I jumped in the car and ran to Dunkin Donuts to get some munchies for the morning and of course some hot cocoa for me. I returned to Rick's parents house and we hopped back into the car and made our way to our new home.

Upon arrival Rick shoveled out the front walkway since that was the ONLY way we were getting the furniture in the house and I started vacuuming the living room and taping off the kitchen to get painted. Our help for the day began arriving around 10 and once the men were all ready we sent them on their merry way to go and get the furniture and other things they could grab so we could start unpacking. I stayed behind because we were still waiting for the TV guy.

I get a phone call around 11 from the TV guy letting me know he is in Lewiston...Um hello you are technically supposed to be here within the next hour to install my TV...You are lucky I am not a cranky person and putting up a fight. He showed up at around 1230 and began the VERY long installation process. I began unpacking what I could without getting in the way (not much could be done though).

Once the TV guy finished up (around 430) we did a few last minute things and headed back to Rick's parents house for dinner and a nap...Rick and I slept from 6pm till 9 I thought I would never get back to sleep but as soon as I got back down to our room from a quick trip upstairs for a snack I was out till 7 Sunday morning!

Not a whole lot was done on Sunday, Sherri finished painting the kitchen and I put away some kitchen stuff. We left at about 1 to go back to Rick's parents house for some much needed R&R.

I got some before pictures of the other rooms and will get them up soon.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

House Pictures

This is the outside front of the House - We don't really plan on any changes to this excpet maybe some landscaping in the spring.
This is the outside back yard area - We plan on raising the "deck" that is sitting on the ground to be level with the landing on the porch and extend it the entrie length of the house.

This is our Kitchen - Please excuse the horrid orange walls those will be taken care of Saturday morning. We plan on painting the back wall of the kitchen a deep red color and the rest of the walls a cream/beige color.

This is our living room - No real changes will be made here right off. Rick would like to install a wood floor of some sort down the line but not right away.
This is a view down our hallway from the living room - The first door on the right is our basement door (full basement). The bathroom is next in line (will get a picture tomorrow after the closing). The Master Bedroom is next (picture to follow). Next door to the MB is our guest room (again will get picture tomorrow after we close) and back up the hall is Joshuas room (picture to follow after closing).

This is the Master Bedroom - No changes that I can think of at the moment will be made to this room. We have 2 closets so that leaves plenty of room for all my clothes & shoes :). We can evenutally turn the 2nd closet into a bathroom if we wanted to since its back wall butts up against the bathroom wall (who knows if it will happen, but it would add GREAT value to the house).

This is our little shed in our back yard - we will of course make no changes to this but plan on putting the mower, trash cans, shovels, etc. inside.

Well those are the before pictures of our new home and hopefully after we get all moved in next weekend we can post some after shots :). Our first big project is the nursery for baby Josh! It is going to be the coolest Red Sox room this side of Fenway Park!

We close tomorrow

After over 6 weeks of waiting and losing hope, we finally get to close on our house tomorrow at 3pm!

The process was one of the more difficult things we have ever done. We looked at houses in our price range, out of our price range (high and low) without a lot of luck. Everything we looked at that we were told we could afford was a DUMP and the things we couldn't afford weren't so great either.

We had all but give up hope and were just going to put the whole process on hold until spring arrived hoping there would be some new choices for us. We were sitting at home one Thursday night when I got an email from our realtor with a house that had just been put on the market in our area. I opened the email to find a house that looked PERFECT. Was I skeptical of the house? You bet I was. Every house I saw that looked perfect always ended up being a big old dump. We decided that it was worth a look and hopefully we would be proved wrong. We set the appointment up for Saturday morning at 10am.

Saturday arrived and we jumped in the car and brought Charlie along (Rick's dad) so he could check things out too (he used to be a windows/doors/kitchen salesmen so he knows what to look for.) We arrived and were pleasantly surprised by the look of the house. Upon going inside my heart skipped a beat as I could see myself living in this house and bringing our little one home in May to this very house. We were the first people to look at the house and because of the price knew we had to make a move quick.

We talked about the house (pros/cons) when we got home and decided that all the pros outweighed the cons (not that I can think of any cons at this point). We decided that Monday we would make an offer. Once Monday got here we called our realtor and got the process moving. We signed our lives away for the first time and put in our offer. There was another couple looking at the house that afternoon and we were afraid they would also put in an offer (they did) so we upped our offer a bit and less than 24 hours later our offer had been accepted.

Like I said before this processes has had its up and downs but it has been worth every minute and every tear shed.
Here's hoping for a good day tomorrow and that nothing goes wrong!!!