Wednesday, April 29, 2009

37 Weeks down 3 to go...

Baby Bump at 36weeks 5days (4/28/09)

Just got back from our check up this morning...there has been progress :) we are 1cm dilated!! He is still high which is no big deal, he can drop anytime!!! His heartrate was still in the high 140's and still sound as amazing as it did the first day we heard it.
Now for the "Bad" news...I tested positive for Group B Strep (GBS)...Not really a big deal they will just give me the antibiotics during labor/delivery. Both Josh and I will be fine at the end. I guess if this is the only thing that goes "Wrong" I really can't complain!!!
38 week check up next thrusday at 10:30am!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

36 week check up

I can't believe we are at 36 weeks (tomorrow) already! It seems like just yesterday i was telling Rick that I thought I saw two pink lines on the test...
Just got back from my appointment and wow that Group B Strep test isn't the most comfortable thing in the world...It may only involve a little swabbing but when you aren't ready for it you just about shoot off the back of the exam table...You are going to feel some pressure is the understatement of the year with that one. However since the doctor was already down there she asked if I wanted an internal (I know possibly TMI) so I said sure...Her report was - My cervix is VERY soft and I am about a fingertip dilated...Yes I know that can last for a very long time but it was still cool to know that things are starting to move...She will continue to check me every week from here on out.

37 week appointment next Thursday...Almost done :)

For those interested in what Group B Strep is I found this definition

Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a type of bacterial infection that can be found in a pregnant woman’s vagina or rectum. This bacteria is normally found in the vagina and/or lower intestine of 15% to 40% of all healthy, adult women.

Those women who test positive for GBS are said to be colonized. A mother can pass GBS to her baby during delivery. GBS is responsible for affecting about 1 in every 2,000 babies in the United States. Not every baby who is born to a mother who tests positive for GBS will become ill.

Although GBS is rare in pregnant women, the outcome can be severe, and therefore physicians include testing as a routine part of prenatal care.

The doctor said that it isn't a huge deal if I come back positive for this...They will just give me IV antibiotics during labor to prevent me from passing it on to Josh.

Here is a picture of one of our darling cats...He has found a new place to call home - Josh's Crib :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Pre-Registration Complete!

Rick and I went to the hospital yesterday to pre-register for the birth of Baby Josh! What an experience that was. Tons of paperwork to fill out and tons to learn. The highlight for both of us was actually getting to put our thumb prints on the "birth certificate" its not the offical one its just the one the hospital sends home with you for the baby book.

We got to visit a labor and delivery room and holy cow they are HUGE!!! There is going to be plenty of room in there for me and my entourage :) (No boys allowed except Rick)! I was trying to take it all in but had a hard time do to the woman across the hall SCREAMING her head off delivering a baby...Not sure if I am ready for that yet :)

We are just under 5 weeks away from his due date and couldn't be more excited! He will be here before we know it and our lives will be flipped upside down but it will be a good upside down :). I am aware of two baby showers that have been planned but know NOTHING about them so Its taking all I have not to go out and buy all the things we NEED for him. Hopefully they are soon so I don't have any major melt downs about not being ready for him to arrive.

Here is hoping the next 4 weeks and 6 days go by fast!